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Writer's pictureMona DelSole

What will you let back in your life after the quarantine?

‘Crazy-busy’ is a great armor, it’s a great way for numbing.

What a lot of us do is that we stay so busy, and so out in front of our life, that the truth of how we’re feeling and what we really need can’t catch up with us.

~Brene Brown

What will you let back in your life after the quarantine?

Thank you to our colleague, Kerry,

for this important reminder today to re-share this message!

I ask myself this as we emerge from this difficult time in our collective lives. I love this quote by Brene Brown as it captures what many of us practiced prior to our COVID-19 quarantine. Busy. But then, with the pandemic, many of us were at home, experiencing the great “slow down.” We now had much more time for reflection.

Some reflected on changing careers, others reflected on retirement from long time careers and yet others decided to change direction in their businesses. For me, the heaviness of watching so many in healthcare and senior care risk everything to care for us, the sick, weighed on my mind and heart every day during quarantine. So much of the news, if not all of it, was about life and death. (As you may know, I started my career in healthcare and teach health administration in the business school at Marywood.) As things began to improve around us, I reflected on what I wanted to change moving forward. So, I asked myself, “What will you let back in?”

I decided. It was simple. I would let more positivity and fun back in. So, I stepped out of my comfort zone and started a lifestyle blog…to lighten my mindset. Since, I tend to be on the serious side, I would begin to let more fun in by calling my “blog” Fancy Grandy. As a new grandmother, my kids loved it! Just the name makes us laugh.

My intention is for all things positive and inspiring to fill the pages. Fancy Grandy is for dynamic and wise women celebrating life from my generation. (You can find my new adventure at

As I continue to virtually coach and speak in the days ahead, I will look for the joy, the fun, the passion and encourage others to do the same. Life is too short not to!

Recently, I did a leadership presentation for a wonderful senior care company on remote work and how to engage teams as a leader. At the end, I asked everyone to answer the same question that I shared here:

Their answers to “What will you let back in?”

  • More time with my children.

  • Sit down for meals with my family.

  • More time with friends.

  • Visit my parents more often.

And many more like these!

One theme emerged. What did the answers all have in common? They were all about people. Everyone’s answer had to do with finding more meaning by spending time with the people they cared about.

For me, I will now allow more fun back in especially with the special people that I care about in my life.

How about you?

What will you let back in as you emerge from quarantine?

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